The Book
Coming soon, just as fast as my heart can type…

A Survival Guide for My Son
A Survival Guide for Masculinity: Self-Mastered lessons with the power to reduce suicide rates and transform a generation. Because when men rise up to who they are capable of being, the whole world changes.
All the things I wish I had known.
All the things I want my son to know.
All the things that made me into a self mastered man.
All the things that will make my son a quality man.

I started writing vulnerably on Instagram as @writing_raw to document what I was experiencing real time in the event I was no longer here – my son would have my words of what I had figured out.
After making it through hell and finding peace, I wrote this book for my son with the same premise - what would I want him to know if I was no longer here? In many ways, this book is for the sons who don’t have a self mastered man in their lives.

We are currently looking for a literary agent. If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more, contact us: